Lawn Applications

Below you can find our standard lawn applications and a timeline for when they are applied. These dates are subject to change if temperatures are abnormal. If you are aerating or dethatching this season some dates will need to be moved around. We understand some services can be performed at different times than specified below but we have found that this schedule has yielded the best results.


Pre-emergent should be applied in early spring to prevent new weeds from germinating later in the season. We use Dimension Broadleaf Control as our pre-emergent of choice. We usstart our applications in late March, or until ground temperatures or in the 50’s.


Applying fertilizer is vital in keeping your turf well nourished through the seasons. These nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. We offer 4 fertilizations a year that are scheduled in or around mid April, June, September, and the end of November.


Post Emergent takes care of existing weeds. During the growing seasons, we apply Trimec Broadleaf control to weaken and kill the existing broadleaf weeds including dandelions. We also use a post-emergent to take care of any existing crabgrass.

Grub Prevention

At JD Landscape Solutions we highly recommend being proactive about grub control. We recommend using our organic fertilizer plus Merit/Mallet during your June fertilization to cut down 2 separate visits into one!

Grub Killer

Around September, we start to look around you property for signs of grubs who made it through the summer application. We use an application called Dylox to take care of existing grubs.


Adding lime to your lawn can be done throughout the year. Lime is used to neutralize the pH level of the soil. Our soils are naturally acidic so it is always a good idea to request a soil test to assess you needs.